A Little About Me

Hello Beautiful,

Perhaps you have been wondering who I am and why I am doing this, so if that's you or you just want to know a little more about me before we start - then this section is for you.

Before you read this - please note, that I am about to get extremely vulnerable with you. I want you to see who I am, not the photo or the social media me - but me. Who I really am. What I have been through in my life. What brought me to this moment of wanting to help as many people as I possibly can to find their way out of anxiety, grief, stress, low self-esteem, low confidence, self-doubt, self-hatred, shyness, guilt, shame, and/or soul-crushing depression. Call it whatever you want. I have made it my life's mission to get people from stuck to unstoppable.

My name is Grecelle Cornock. Some like to call me Grace. I was born in the Bronx, New York and grew up in a broken home with an immigrant mom from Guyana and a dead-beat dad from Puerto Rico.

I nearly died at 6 months of age from intestinal issues, but luckily underwent a surgery and a blood transfusion and I SURVIVED.

I grew up in the projects. If you don't already know what that is, it's basically the slums of New York. We had government welfare and my two sisters and I slept on wooden beds my mom made for us up in the attic. My mom would clean houses to feed us as her English was poor and it was difficult for her to find other work. If my father wasn't home beating on my mother or us kids, he would be off drinking, doing drugs or sleeping with another woman. At the age of four, I witnessed him beat my mother in the head with a guitar and bust her head open. I was traumatized after watching that happen and did not speak for nearly one year. I SURVIVED MY CHILDHOOD.

My mom eventually divorced my biological father and remarried a man whom I now call "dad." I was 6 years old at a the time, very shy and I didn't take to him at first. He loves telling me the story of the day I finally came up to him. I didn't say anything, but I sat on his foot and wrapped my paws around his leg. We've been the best of friends ever since and I am now 41 years young.

As a teenager, I had buck teeth, peach glasses with very large frames, and very long, big, frizzy hair my mom would never allow me to cut. I kept my head in a book at all times and barely every spoke. My sisters were quite the opposite. They were both beautiful and outgoing while I was the nerd who never spoke. I was too embarassed to let people see my front teeth when I smiled or opened my mouth.

In middle school, my parents moved us to Florida. I spent most of my young adult years there.

In highschool, my friends were all using hair straighteners and I decided to buy one. I became obsessed! I began the task of daily hair straightening which would take atleast an hour as my hair was a massive, thick, curly, frizzy mess.

My parents later bought me contacts and I put the glasses aside for night time use only. Then the real turning point came when I got braces. I only had to wear them for about six months as it was only my front teeth that had a space.

When the braces were removed it was like someone had taken the bar of soap out of my mouth. I could finally look myself in the mirror and smile. I also couldn't shut up! To this day, I am still working on my listening skills, but I feel like I have also learned to embrace my GIFT of gab and put it to good use.

My parents were part of a strict religion in which I was not allowed to celebrate holidays or have friends outside of the church. This led to a lot of rebellion on my part. I found myself using drugs, skipping school, and at one point ran away from home and ended up in jail for a week. I dyed my hair, shaved underneath, cut it all off, got piercings had a low vibe crowd of friends and got in A LOT of trouble. Jail is a crazy place to be, but I learned a lot and I never returned. SOMEHOW, I SURVIVED my teenage years and even graduated high school at the age of 16 - just barely.

I was then recruited by a modeling agent to my surprise. I went from being a tomboy to putting on makeup and dresses. I was in several magazines and fashion shows for about two years time. Eventually, I decided it wasn't for me as I didn't enjoy spending all that time looking in the mirror and worrying about my weight.

On my 18th birthday, I left home. I worked three jobs at one point while in college, but I eventually graduated with honors. During that time I was raped twice.I also had a severe accident that resulted in me being bedridden for months and put on loads of pills. I eventually got better and over the years I weaned myself off of each and every single medication I had been prescribed by doctors for chronic pain, anxiety, depression, etc. They put me on muscle relaxers, pain killers, antidepressants, etc. I SURVIVED MY ACCIDENT. I SURVIVED RAPE. I EVEN SURVIVED BEING ADDICTED TO PILLS.

I bought my first home at the age of 20. I was working in a corporate job and moved my way up the ladder quickly. I met my first husband there, and we got married. We were divorced just a few years later as we had married too young, but we remained the best of friends. He died in a car accident several years later. I had just spoken to him that morning. The next day, his girlfriend took her own life. This was my first real bout with grief.

Despite the happenings of my personal life, my professional life thrived. I was promoted to open my own branch in the city of Tampa, just a few hours away from Orlando, my current home. I was elated. I took the job and moved away from home for the first time. While I was there my job gave me a 12,000$ bonus. Shortly after that I learned about a broadcasting school that cost exactly 12,000$ to attend. They would teach me radio, newscasting, podcasting (before podcasts were a thing), videography, and more. I decided to quit my job and go there. I paid my tuition cash and I sat in class with wide open eyes and ears.

It wasn't long before I started calling myself Lady Grace and began my own podcast and television show. I would interview artists and musicians, sort of like a mini MTV. I then started my own media company in which my magazine was born. I became a producer, editor and media company owner by the age of 25.

Again, I didn't like the limelight and I put the tv show and magazine to bed. I can also attribute this to conditioning from my parents who believed working a corporate job was the only way I could be successful. You know - health benefits, 401k, yada, yada.

So, of course, I went back to a corporate job and once again, found myself yearning for more.

A few years later, I decided it was time to live my dream of moving to California. It was 3,000 miles away from my family and I had nothing for me there, but I knew it was where I wanted to be.

I put in a transfer with my corporate job and the office in California hired me. They even waited a whole month for me to make my move.

It was there that I met my late husband. He was from Scotland, visiting California, but living in Thailand.

A year later, I moved to Thailand to be with him. We got married three years later. During that time we traveled the world together while living on a tropical, paradise island in a beautiful villa just walking distance from the beach. I began my career in yoga, breathwork, and meditation. I have taught in some of the most beautiful five star resorts. It was a dream job. I eventually opened up my own yoga studio.

My marriage was up and down as my husband worked away from home and underneath my paradise life I was unhappy in my marriage. I would be waking up to walk people up a mountain to see the sunrise and he would be just getting home from a night out partying. We were moving in different directions. One day I had had enough and I left him for three days. When I returned home, he was dead. He had committed suicide.

Needless to say, my life turned upside down. I was severely depressed for some time. In one moment, I had lost everything. I had lost my husband, my best friend, my space rock buddy. I had never dreamed it would ever end this way. Besides the loss of my husband, I found myself penniless, and the thai lawyers took our home, car, everything because he had never put my name on anything and their names were on those things 51%. I shut my studio down. I shut my heart down. I shut down completely. Somehow, in time - I SURVIVED the death of my husband, homelessness, poverty and severe depression/trauma.

One day an angel came into my life. He had lost his fiance. He was everything one could ever hope to have in a relationship and we are still going strong. I picked my entire life back up and decided to do the thing I felt the world lacked most. Be the person I had hoped to find in my deepest darkest hour, but could not. I knew there were many people out there who were struggling like I had and I knew what I had to do.

A year and a half ago, I began coaching professionals like you and me. I've since learned that people don't need coaches, they want them. I only work with people who are committed to being the better version of themselves and are ready to do the work. Yes, it's work! I have never felt more alive, more passionate, or more purpose filled then I do today. I know that each and every last one of those experiences I have shared with you has led me to this moment.

Present day, I live in beautiful Koh Samui, Thailand. I am staring at the ocean as I write this. I am creating this course because I care. Maybe it's because I've been there. Maybe it's because I know what it's like to be codependent, to not love yourself, to feel hopeless, to want to die. Maybe it's because I feel filled with the courage, strength, love, and desire to make a difference in this world. Maybe it's because divinity flows through me and creates with love. What I do know for sure, is that I care.

So, that's me. That's what I do and that is why this course exists.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

I hope you enjoy this course.

With my deepest love and gratitude.


PS: Traveling and living on an island has allowed me to break free from the societal conditioning of what I was taught I should look like, speak like, dress like etc to be acceptable. These days I let my crazy hair be crazy, I embrace flip flops and shorts, I embrace my authentic self even when others don't and I have found that the real purpose of life is to dance, play, sing, and enjoy the beauty that is all around us.


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