When you SIGN UP for the 21 Day Self-Love Challenge you will receive a FREE WORKBOOK to go along with the course (printable and/or fillable online on your phone or laptop) YOU MAY PREVIEW THE WORKBOOK BELOW BY CLICKING THE TOP RIGHT OF THE PAGE TO FLIP THROUGH.

  • You will also receive 11 additional bonuses &
  • Access to our private FB community

Build a habit of self-love with tools and techniques such as:

  • Journaling Prompts
  • Accountability Exercises
  • Meditations
  • Affirmations
  • Visualizations
  • Inspirations
  • Gratitude
  • Intention Setting
  • Priority Task Setting

Minette Bruwer

I loved this course!! I would absolutely recommend it to anyone and everyone!

My 3 biggest take aways from this were : That often we just settle where we are with self love and think it is ok and acceptable,or do not even notice how we talk to ourselves...I started paying attention.

I started putting myself first and doing what serves me...

Affirmations,intentions and journaling is now MY THING!!

Krysta Thomason

I am so grateful to have had the chance to complete Grecelle's 21-day self-love challenge. Grecelle was an incredible facilitator. Not only did she update the group regularly with posts and videos, but she also reached out individually to check in with me throughout the course. She helped me work out some bugs I had with the workbook, asked how I was doing, offered advice and words of encouragement, answered questions, and made sure that I had a chance to finish everything before removing me from the course. She provided so many resources and bonus materials throughout the course that I now have an entire toolbelt of self-love practices to put to use in my daily life. I have less self-doubt and self judgement, and I feel more equipped to overcome these things when they do pop up. I have developed a love for writing and journaling my thoughts, an appreciation for affirmations, and I feel more confident in myself and more hopeful and optimistic about life in general. I'm so grateful for this experience, the community that was built around it, and the support Grecelle provided throughout. 10/10 would recommend!

Claudia Prsa

Thank you so much Grecelle for organizing the 21 days Self-Love Challenge.

Grecelle has not only inspired me but has taught me more valuable advice

and approach on how to view and learn to be more self-loving.

She has been there all the way, supporting, encouraging, and motivating us.

I learned a lot about myself in a short time.

Thank you Grecelle for pushing me into my “big leap".

Who should take this course?

Everyone - well if you identify as a woman of course. <3

The women who have taken this course have started with many different levels of self-love- Everything from high self-love to super low self-love and everything inbetween.

Each of them benefited! and YOU CAN TOO!

If you are feeling a bit stuck and want a nudge that gets you going in the direction of YOUR goals, dreams, desires, needs and wants - then join us! We look forward to seeing you in the group!

Jill Marie

I just completed the 21 Day Self Love Challenge and was so inspired to get down and dirty into these 21 days. I was challenged to first BE committed to the 21 days, which can be challenging itself....I knew that I not only wanted to complete, I wanted growth in the self love that I have for myself. With Grecelle's skills and technique and combination of style, she has such a way to make it look easy while stepping out of your comfort zone and doing the work. She is a no nonsense coaching professional who has love for each of her students and will push you to your limits while cheering you on the sidelines. I've truly enjoyed working with her on this challenge and would highly recommend her to anyone who really wants results. Thank you, Grecelle!!

Lucy DeMatos

I had the honor and privilege of participating in the 21 day self-love challenge.

I loved the course!

I learned so much about myself and am taking away some sweet strategies and tips.

I recommend Grecelle to anyone who wants/ needs to be empowered and shine their sweet light onto the world.

I am.so grateful for you Grecelle .

Yes I definately would recommend the course

Thank you again for the amazing experience.

<3 Love and light xoxoxo❤🙏🙌

Lesina Betts
  • I completed the 21 Day Self Love Challenge!
  • Feeling great about showing up for myself and keeping my promise to myself!
  • One of my biggest personal challenges is building trust in myself again.
  • Coming from a long history of self sabotage , Ive created a lot of room for doubt in my ability to complete what I start. This challenge was a step in trust building.
  • Although, I did at one point contemplate quitting as it got a bit overwhelming doing this challenge and building my own practice , but I didn’t quit! I’m so glad I stuck with it as I feel better finishing than I ever did quitting ❤️
  • It definitely helped me create a habit of consistent journaling and meditation and it gave me the confidence I need in myself to keep practicing a habit of self love long after the challenge has been completed.
  • I’m so grateful to Grecelle for creating the challenge and I’d highly recommend it to others ❤️

What Does This Challenge Entail?

Each day you you will be offered a new tool, technique, idea and/or concept.

After which you will have an assignment to complete. You can follow along with the DAILY JOURNALING PROMPTS, AFFIRMATIONS, INTENTIONS AND PRIORITY TASK SETTING in your journal-workbook included in the course.

Each day you have specific instructions for your ACCOUNTABILITY POSTS. if you fall behind, just get back in on the day you left off when you return.

Please be supportive to your peers. Absolutely NO JUDGEMENT in this group will be tolerated whatsoever.

You will be teamed up with an ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER.

Your growth and improvement will require:


You will also have my ongoing love and support.

I look forward to seeing you in the course!

Choose a Pricing Option

Patti Rodriguez

Doing this 21 day self love challenge by Grecelle and with her guidance along the way has being a great experience. She has help me to learn how much I can love myself for who I am and how much worth I have in me. She is a great personal self love counselor.

Danyel Ryan

I have been honored to receive from Grace in a couple of her courses and her work is truly helpful. She goes above and beyond to provide the most amount of material! She is changing the world with her service and love. I definitely recommend her!

Sandra Spirovska

I did the self love challenge with Grace and it was a lovely experience. She was always there for us and the challenge was filled with so many different exercises that are necessary throughout our lives. If you keep practicing what Grace recommends you will go far in life. Thank you very much Grace

Why Take This Challenge?

  • We ALL need more self-love.
  • Self-love is the answer to nearly every bad habit.
  • This course will help you cultivate habits that support your growth and evolvement.
  • You deserve to love yourself MORE than you do now.
  • You are worth it.
  • You will be supported, loved, and held in our community.
  • Loving ourselves unconditionally allows us to love others unconditionally.
  • We ALL suffer from some form of self-hatred, guilt, shame, inner critic etc. and this will help you be in control of those voices.
  • It's the best habit you will ever form.

Your Instructor

My name is Grecelle. I also go by Grace.

For many years, I thought I was happy. Then, the unthinkable happened. I lost my husband to suicide. I found myself in a sea of depression, anxiety, fear, lack of purpose, and lack of pretty much everything. I had hit rock bottom. It was then that I figured out that in order to truly live a life worth living, I must first have unconditional love for myself. I was forced to take a deep, hard look at myself and who I wanted to be. I took many courses, got a coach myself, and ultimately found my purpose in mentoring/coaching those who wanted to find fulfillment in life after undergoing their own personal struggles. These people are just like me - seemingly happy but knowing deep down inside that there is so much more to life. I am now living a life that is rewarding, powerful and purposeful. I share this with you because I want you to know we have all been there. I wasn't always living with self-love. I had to learn it too. Wherever you are in your journey, this course will help you find more self-worth, compassion, and confidence. I look forward to your success.